I’ve always been intrigued with abstraction. It is a key staple of contemporary art, but I haven’t really found my take on it yet. This series of .gif format images are a series of experiments for the sake of abstraction.
— Oscar Dow

Hand Drawn Stop Motion Animation

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These two animations were done using various animation techniques. The video footage was shot, exported to an image sequence at 24fps, downloaded to an iPad, then using tracing paper, I traced each frame of the footage two times in order to create a sense of movement. Once the frames were drawn, I used DragonFrame Animation software to photograph each drawn frame and composited them into an animation.

Drone Experimentation

Working with the drone was an amazing experience. It’s such a new technology, and it is incredibly versatile. I piloted it in order to film Julie Brodie’s interaction with the water in our collaborative work.

Collaborative Work

Oscar Dow, Claudia Esslinger, and Julie Brodie

The inspiration behind this collaborative work were letters from Julie’s grandmother. They prompted memories that she had of her grandmother obsessively cleaning, without actually achieving cleanliness. We took this topic and used a variety of lighting, video, and choreographic techniques in order to explore the ideas of cleanliness, obsession, tranquility, and peace.

Further Experimentation

I really wanted to go wild with my next experiments in order to test the boundaries of abstraction. For some reason, I was fascinated by balloon animals: more specifically, balloon dogs. Within the artistic lexicon, balloon dogs will forever be tied to Jeff Koons and his grossly expensive sculptures, so I view this as my reclaiming the object back to ‘low’ art. Along with the imagery of a balloon dog, I wanted to incorporate hand drawn animation, so I animated myself from green screen footage I took earlier in the process.